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Greetings to you all who are visiting the website of the Siasi Uesiliana Tau’atāina ‘o Tonga ‘i ‘Aositelēlia – the Methodist Church of Tonga in Australia. We minister as a missional district under the pastoral direction and leadership of the Conference of the Siasi Uesiliana Tau'atāina 'o Tonga (SUTT) - the Methodist Church in Tonga.

The working theme of the SUTT in Australia is to seek the presence of the Holy Spirit so that we can do the will of God! The will of God is the most important thing in life. In whatever we do, we must come to abide by God’s will. Throughout His life, the incarnate Lord Jesus Christ submitted to the will of the Father as the ultimate purpose for His earthly mission; to Jesus, nothing was more worthy to pursue than the will of God. For the will of God is where we can come to see truth in its perfection. Jesus said to his disciple at Jacob’s well, “my food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work.” Jesus also said to the crowds in relation to when his mother and his brothers visited him, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” The will of God is, in fact, where we can find holiness in the practical sense of life.

On this website, we offer Bible-studies for anyone who may wish to enrich his/her life with the unfathomable richness of the Word of God. There will be some apologetic approaches to understanding the teachings of the Bible; we believe that understanding is fundamental to the stability of our faith, as St. Anselm summed up in his motto: “faith seeks understanding”. This does not stand to mean that we can come to unveil all the mysteries concerning the Divine purpose for Creation and temporal living. Nevertheless, understanding remains an indispensable element of faith.

Reading the Bible is often the most neglected yet most important method for studying its teachings: Read to remember, and also read in order to grow in one's faith in God, manifested through love toward Him and others!

Part of our online programme will pertain to the development of Christian homiletics. As we come to know Jesus Christ as revealed through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will enable us to preach the Gospel. Central is our obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus, to preach the Gospel to all nations.

The District has four radio programs on air at different times of the week. These are basically expositions and exhortations based on the Gospel in the Tongan language. Would you please refer to the 'Live Broadcasting' section for the broadcasting links and their various schedules.

I pray that we will have a blessed time walking together through this website.

​Thank you and God bless!

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